Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Out and About Jax- That Pink House

Every since I moved to northeast Jacksonville there has been this building on the corner of Lanier and Dunn Creek Rd. In my opinion it brought the value of the whole neighborhood down.  Every time we passed by the building we would say things like," why did they build that awful place" or "why don't they tear down that condemned building" or "how can people live in that place?"  I loathed it and I am sure others did and possibly said the same things too.  Well, just the other day, we were riding by, like we do practically every day, and low and behold there was a massive bulldozer ripping the walls down and shoveling it into a dump truck surely headed for it's proper graveyard.  I am so glad it is gone, but now there is an empty lot. Even though it is a pile of dirt I do think it looks better.   Now, there is another building across the street that has been empty for over 10 years except for one when it was a dance studio.  I know that building is not condemned or dilapidated, but I sure do wish it could house a thriving business.  I hate to see any structure not being put to it's highest and best use.  Maybe as we drive by we could say out loud or to ourselves how we feel and sort of will it into being.  I have heard of this being done with prayer, maybe that is what it needs to bring about a change.  I bet within a few years we will see new life in that old building and a renewed spirit in this old neighborhood.

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Jacksonville, Florida, United States
44 year old mother of 3, ages 3, 6, and 25, married.

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