Monday, July 27, 2009

Birthday Blog - First Birthday Blog

This is my birthday blog. I will blog on my childrens' birthdays and on mine and my husband's birthdays. So five times a year. In April, June, July, August, and October. I will start with my birthday in August.

self esteem

I hate that I am not very in tune to other peoples' needs. I want to be a compassionate helpful person, but I think my life gets in the way. Anyway, I will continue to work on that forever I guess.
What do you say to a person who is getting a divorce? I have come across two friends who are in that process now and I have never really thought about how devestating it can be to a woman with children. Even though I have been through exactly that, I still am at a loss as to what to do for my friends. The best I could do is to let them know that I am available to them if they need anything and to say I hope that everything goes well for them. How korny is that? And what kind of lame excuse for a friend am I? Is there anybody out there going through this? I really would like to know if there are any people who are friends with people getting a divorce and what have you done as a friend to help them get through it. Please email me or comment on my blog.
Well, this is a heavy subject because some people are really in need of a divorce and some people are just getting out. I hope that people who are contemplating divoorce to do one thing, and this may seem simplistic, but it really does kind of put things into perspective, and that is keep a journal and write a list of the reasons you are staying and the reasond you want to leave. I hope that this helps someone.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

healthcare reform

I have an idea that may work or it may not. Why can't the gov't just purchase all of those urgent care clinics and run them like the er at the hospital. That way all of the ers will be freed up for only emergencies. And the people don't have to worry about insurance when they go to these places. They can just bill like the er would if they had taken the patient. The govt could just build another er for the uninsured next to the er at the hospital. The people dont have to get insurance and the govt can just send them a bill just like the hospitals do. Why can't the govt just build a bunch of hospitals and staff them with vets or military people. Then there would be the uninsured hospitals and the insured hospitals. I am not sure how they do the billing at the hositals now but at least this would get the uninsured out of the mix and we could keep a better track of the losses and the people that actually do pay for insurance can get into the hospital because there would be less people at the er trying to get in. I am half asleep.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I want to do things, but I am a procrastinator. I want to loose weight most of all, but I will find an excuse not to exercise. I want to paint my bathroom, but I will find an excuse to put it off and the next thing you know, a year has passed and the stupid thing is still not done! I want to study, but again, I find excuses not to. And that test is creeping closer and closer and nothing can stop it from coming. One thing I wanted to do and did do is take my kids to church today. I am trying to find a church and we tried one out today. It was really nice so we may keep going, I don't know. What I think I need to do about the procrastination is to practice following through with things. Even if I start putting things away properly instead of just setting it somewhere to be put away later. I think that may get me into the habit of completing tasks rather than putting them off. Maybe I can lead a more productive life and pass on a valuable skill to my kids by setting a good example. I really hate it that life is so complicated! I am glad I have a blog so that I can express all of this to someone. Even if no one ever reads this, at least I am getting it off my chest. Feels good! I think it is also a good exercise in not being a procrastinator.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It is probably not a high priority among the moms I know, but I think it is on their wish list. That is, an opportunity to get together with friends that is kid free. I don't think that anyone would say they want to get away from their kids, but they, like everyone else need a little break. A time to let down their hair and just be an adult, not a mother. This is virtually impossible.  Getting a babysitter is not the easiest thing to do. We don't all have someone we can trust and then our schedules don't coordinate, oh yeah and the cost.  And then there is the issue of husbands. Are they invited (to this hypothetical social gathering) or not? If we don't invite them then why not? So, as you can see it would be a coordination nightmare. I have considered renting out the my gym (and the workers)for an evening and renting a huge RV so that we can just hang out in the parking lot while the kids play! I think a pool party would be better (with husbands).

Monday, July 13, 2009

So many things to write about, so little memory.

I am starting this blog in hopes of recording the funny little things that happen to me on a day to day basis and I hope that others just get a kick out of it. I have never been one to write in a diary, but my memory is shot so I need a way to remember my kids' childhood. Here goes.

Saturday was my 2 year old's birthday party. We had it at My Gym. I think the kids had a blast and everything went well because the team does everything for you. It is pretty expensive for our budget, but I feel it was worth it. Getting ready was a bit stressfull. I had to order the cake, and the food put together the goodie bags, and blow up balloons. Thank goodness Publix was right next door which made it very convenient. I have to say that if you can afford this place then I recommend it. The team is very high energy and where else are your kids going to get to ride in an airplane swing down a zipline! I love that place.

David's birthday was on Wednesday so I went a little crazy making an Elmo cake. He adores Elmo, although I think he has already started to get past that phase and move into the spongebob phase. I am sort of glad he is done with Elmo and wants to watch something on TV that i can actually tolerate. Not that I LIKE spongebob, I really don't, but when I am forced to watch tv with my children I don't grit my teeth if it is spongebob. I am dreading the transformer phase.

I was invited to a Pure Passion party by one of my friends at the BP. I have never heard of this business so I looked it up as soon as I got home(well, the next day)and I wasn't too surprised because of the name, but I was really shocked that people actually have these things. I am worried that when I go to this thing there will be women there talking about their sex lives to each other and if they aren't talking about it, there won't be any need to because we will all see what they buy, I guess.
My husband is happy, he already said he would watch the kids!

These are Some of My Kids Favorite Movies

  • Hero of the Rails
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks
  • Chicken Little
  • Underdog

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Jacksonville, Florida, United States
44 year old mother of 3, ages 3, 6, and 25, married.

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